Monday, April 29, 2013

Next Launch Set for Summer 2014

A lot of life events have prevented progress, but we have decided that the next launch will be some time in the summer of 2014. We already have the gear ready, we are just waiting for the winds to change. We have found that the best time to launch is in early summer due to lower wind resistance and fewer down drafts.

We do have a lot of goodies coming in the next few months, so don't expect us to be silent. I know this summer's been pretty quiet. With house buying and growing families we had to set a few things on the back burner. Unfortunately, I think this project got hit the most. Not to say we haven't been working on it. There are some great updates to come with some new footage and images. We also have a new website that we are about ready to launch. I won't paste the link yet. You will just have to subscribe to the blog to get the latest news.

Thanks for visiting!