Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Planning for the next launch!

Because of the HUGE success of the first launch we are planning a second launch for some time in December.

After the first launch we noticed that there were a few things that needed to be changed.

We would like to do the following for the next launch:
  • Re-rig the parachute
  • Launch 2 balloons back to back
  • Cut weight
  • Add an additional camera
  • Build an image stabilizing rig

We are also working on a legitimate website with full tutorials, write-ups, images, and videos. (More on this later)

We want to thank everyone for their support and hope you will join us at our next launch!

God Bless!

Steven and Joey

Monday, October 29, 2012

Just calculated

Maximum speed of decent is 62 Miles/Hr at 20,000 meters above sea level.

Because the parachute did not fully deploy the speed that the payload landed was 20 Miles/Hr

5 min video

Nasa Image at time of launch (below)

All Pictures and Video are free to distribute with a reference to us (Steven and Joey).
To contact us email joey.magnus@gmail.com

Friday, October 26, 2012

Launch Date

All materials are in and the project is complete.

Launch date is this Sunday the 28th of November 2012.

Launch time will be aproximatly 7:30 AM Eastern Time.

Launch City will be Atlanta, Georgia.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Our balloon and parachute are on the way!

Last night we ordered the 1200g balloon and 5 ft parachute. We expect delivery by the end of next week. The next steps are to build our radar reflector and container. We are pursuing two container ideas. Many of our predecessors have successfully used a simple styrofoam container. We believe this could be a good "Phase 1" solution. However, we are also beginning work on a hard shell case. For each of these, we would like to use a fin to catch the wind and hopefully minimize the amount of spinning.

We have a work session scheduled for Sunday afternoon to build the container. If the build is successful we expect to launch by the end of October!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Moving Forward

We are pushing the APRS System aside because of the recent short circuit. We will include this in later versions.

Our primary goal right now is to get our first launch completed. After this we can tweak the project for future launches.

I Purchased a SPOT system today. www.findmespot.com
Good purchase and well worth the expense if we want to do this right.

I also updated some pages on the blog. check out the addition of the new pages. I found some cool features using google maps and my android phone.

All we need now is a

-5 ft parashoot


-Helium / Hydrogen        
(welding supply store)

-Payload container          

-Glove Heat packs           
Sporting goods or walmart ($5)

We have got the rest finished.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Major Failure

So I fried my first circuit today......

I wasn't getting enough power to the unit. So I did what anyone would do. I added more power. I don't think it was too much though. I think I might have grounded the unit improperly.

This officially ends my part in the APRS tracker. This device is not completely needed but would have been a nice addition. We have the funds to try again, but I am worried I will blow another unit.

HOWEVER, because of this mishap, there is a position open on our team for someone who is familiar with circuitry and Arduino programming.  We have loads of information on it and the code is already written. This is of course an unpaid position and as of now purely a hobby. We are however well funded and can purchase any parts needed.

Let me know if you are interested!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Update on the WHOLE project

Hello World... (nerd joke)

I feel like all this has been about so far is the tracking system. Given, the tracking system is crucial! Without a tracking system all we are doing is attaching a few expensive cameras to a balloon, letting the balloon go, and praying that we find it when it crashes to earth at 150 MPH in about 2 hours about 100 miles away in any direction. (hint: Probably not going to happen)

I feel I like should give an update on what is complete and what is not

Ø  Design tracking system (In-Progress)
Ø  Design in-flight electronics (Not Started)
Ø  Design payload (Several Ideas: listed below)
Ø  Purchase materials (most of them purchased: Listed below: a complete list of costs will be listed at a later date)
Ø  Assemble project (Not Started)
Ø  Test flight (of course not)
Ø  Pick day for launch (November 3rd)
Ø  Launch

Materials List:
(1)    Arduino Uno R3 Plus Board ($30)
(2)    3G GSM Chip and Antenna ($107)
(3)    GPS Antenna ($31)
(4)  Prototyping Shields x 2 ($20)
(5)  HX1 radiometrix transmitter ($60)
(6)    Barometer ($10)
(7)    Accelerometer ($10)
(8)    Compass ($10)
(9)    2x Cameras (not purchased)
(10)  Payload container (to be determined)
(11)  High-Altitude Balloon (Not Purchased)
(12) Para-shoot ($2)
Payload Options:

(Just Kidding) no drawings available… we don’t have time for that! If you have Ideas for a payload design you can submit them in the comments.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Updating because I should, not because I have to.

So it has been a few days since I have posted anything. That usually implies that nothing has happened in the span of those few days. I would like to reassure everyone and let you all know that life has continued outside of the pages of the interwebs!

I actually have been working hard on this.... Nothing to show for it, but I have been working. I didn't want to post until I had some sort of positive update. Well, that is not going to happen!

I received a second GSM module and sent the old one back. It is hard to tell when something is broken if you don't know how to get it to work in the first place. Lucky for me Sparkfun sent me 2 modules. The one I received a few days after the first connected immediately. This let me know that I had a faulty unit.

I also received the HX1 RF transmitter from Radiometrix and began to wire it up on another prototyping shield. I then proceeded to look for wiring schematics only to realize I had no idea how to read them... I have been soldering this device (I have become VERY good at soldering) off and on for the past few days.

Nothing is really working yet.

Also, I haven't talked to Steven in over a week. I hope he is alive. I don't even know where he is on the project. I should probably check on him.

Like I said, no real news. I know I have more to say but I don't know what it is right now....

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Cell phones cause headaches

So the hardware part of this little gadget was completed yesterday as you saw. Had the code worked out for the unit but I could not get the GSM cellular device to connect to the ATT network.

To begin troubleshooting the issue I read article after article. Then I decided to look at a few images of devices that others had made. As you see in my images posted yesterday my unit is lacking something, an antenna. I felt a little silly.

I checked with electronics stores in the area. Can you believe that stores havn't sold cellular quad-band antennas since the 90's? Outrageous! Some of you probably never even knew cell was sort for cellular or that mobile phones had antennas once upon a time.

Ordered an antenna online. But, I am very impatient so as I sat and thought. I remembered a device that had a similar connection (SMA connector is actually what it is called). Wireless router antennas are about the same size, not sure if they are quad band but who cares. Had an extra wireless router in my office at work that I picked up from a thrift store for 25 cents. Took the antenna off, harvested a few extra components for a rainy day, kept the casing for a project box and tossed the rest of the unit. Money well spent I think.

Had to add a wire to the makeshift cell antenna (will add photo later). Connected it to the GSM/GPS tracking device, loaded up the script, hit run and........... NO CONNECTION!

After hours of research I loaded up a different script that allowed me to send commands to the device. Same result, thus, it wasn't my programming at fault. Found later that unit is set to work in a different country. I found the command that changed the frequency to the USA frequency. I attempted to send the command and nothing happened. Surprise surprise, It still didn't work. Added some code that supposedly did something for someone else, not really sure, but it didn't help me at all.

Finally, after hours of headache I saw an option at the bottom of the serial console (this is he screen that shows me what the device is trying to do). Chose this previously undiscovered option, re-sent the command to change it to the US frequency, checked for connection and WOOT! It worked. Loaded my script back on the device. Checked connection again and CONNECTED!

It is always good to have some success. It is nice to have something to show for the hours spent tinkering around with things you know little about. I feel pretty accomplished. Learned a lot and actually got the stupid thing to work.

A little worried now though. Through all the research, I am starting to worry that if the payload lands in a place that has no cellular reception we might never get it back. 

Steven believes hat we should look into the telemetry stuff that others are using. Lucky for him I agree. The main part to this came in today. It is the Radiometrix HX1 RF transmitter. Not sure what to do with this little guy yet but I'm sure we will figure it out.

That's all for now. I know this post is a little tedious to get through, but I thought the information was worth posting.

Hope you injoy the update. I will add something more interesting tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

GPS via GSM Tracking Unit

Update: This is not the best way to track your payload. You will likely waste time and money if you proceed with this approach. While this will work there are better and cheaper options. Please read the newer posts!
Update on the project:

Finished piecing together the GPS / GSM tracking unit. Used an Arduino Uno R3 Plus. I picked it up at Fry's Electronics (best prices worst customer service). The Arduino is the micro-controller that all the code is loaded on to.

Next, I soldered up the GSM Shield for the Arduino. This allows me to connect the Arduino to the inter-webs using AT&T's 3g network.

Finally, I threw together a simple custom shield I built for the GPS unit. It gathers GPS data from up to 20 satalites. It is built on sirfIII technology. For the GPS module itself I used the PMB-648.

The entire unit works by connecting to the GSM network and then taking the data it recieves from the gps and transmits it to where ever I want.

Not sure yet how we will collect the data. I might transmit data via SMS (text messaging).
I have seen projects where the coordinates are sent to a TCP server running a python script (most likely the option we will choose).

Also, the code for this unit is complete. I want to do a little more testing before I upload it.

Below are a few pictures of the completed tracker! (I still need an antenna for the GSM module....)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Overview of Project

On a fateful day in late September the wives of Joey and Steven threw a simple party celebrating the coming of the autumn season. There was fun and frolicking and everyone was merry. Out of this joyous evening came a brilliant idea. Steven approached Joey with fanciful dreams of space. After a brief stint on YouTube and some high-altitude ballooning videos, the pair of gents was ready to embark on a spectacular space adventure.

Our first step is research. Notably, I am terrible at this. I have the tendency to just jump into things and deal with the details as they arise. Thus, I skipped step one. Fortunately, for the sake of the entire project we have Steven.

Step Dos: Come up with a list of items needed for the project and a plan of action. But, because I skipped step one the following list will be updated as we go…

v  Plan:

Ø  Design tracking system

Ø  Design in-flight electronics

Ø  Design payload

Ø  Purchase materials

Ø  Assemble project

Ø  Test flight

Ø  Pick day for launch

Ø  Launch


Materials List:

(1)    Arduino Uno R3 Plus Board

(2)    3G GSM Chip and Antenna

(3)    GPS Antenna

(4)    Altimeter

(5)    Accelerometer

(6)    Compass

(7)    2x Cameras

(8)    Payload container (to be determined)

(9)    High-Altitude Balloon



Hello and welcome! This is the first post for the blog